導航:首頁 > 設備公司 > 河北金風電控設備有限公司


發布時間:2021-08-12 07:07:54

① 金鳳科技股份有限公司和金風科技是不是一個公司

|巴彥淖爾烏拉特後旗富匯風能電| 控股子公司 | 7000.00 |100.00| 是 |
|力有限公司 | | | | |
|南京金風科技有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 11600.00 |100.00| 是 |
|北京天潤新能投資有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 33160.00 |100.00| 是 |
|布爾津天潤風電有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 5750.00 |100.00| 是 |
|鑲黃旗天潤風電有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 100.00 |100.00| 是 |
|內蒙古金風科技有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 15000.00 |100.00| 是 |
|達茂旗天潤風電有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 10000.00 |100.00| 是 |
|西安金風科技有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 6000.00 |100.00| 是 |
|哈密天潤新能源有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 200.00 |100.00| 是 |
|甘肅金風風電設備製造有限公司| 控股子公司 | 8860.00 |100.00| 是 |
|商都縣天潤風電有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 100.00 |100.00| 是 |
|北京金風科創風電設備有限公司| 控股子公司 | 35000.00 |100.00| 是 |
|新疆天運風電設備配送有限公司| 控股子公司 | 400.00 |100.00| 是 |
|巴彥淖爾烏拉特中旗富匯風能電| 控股子公司 | 7500.00 |100.00| 是 |
|力有限公司 | | | | |
|德國金風風能有限責任公司 | 控股子公司 | 10530.45 |100.00| 是 |
|北京天誠同創電氣有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 750.00 |75.00 | 是 |
|北京天源科創風電技術有限責任| 控股子公司 | 2660.00 |70.00 | 是 |
|公司 | | | | |
|Vensys Energy AG | 控股子公司 | 4124.00 |70.00 | 是 |
|Vensys Elektrotechnik GmbH | 控股子公司 | 9.00 |68.00 | 是 |
|內蒙古巴彥淖爾富匯風能電力有| 控股子公司 | 8160.00 |51.00 | 是 |
|限公司 | | | | |
|塔城天潤風力發電有限公司 | 控股子公司 | 6630.00 |51.00 | 是 |
|克什克騰旗匯風新能源有限責任| 控股子公司 | 5610.00 |51.00 | 是 |
|公司 | | | | |
|河北金風電控設備有限公司 | 參股公司 | - |19.80 | 否 |
|河北金風電控設備有限責任公司| 參股公司 | 5100.00 |19.80 | 否 |
|國水投資集團西安風電設備股份| 參股公司 | - |14.67 | 否 |
|有限公司 | | | | |
|國水投資集團包頭風電科技科技| 參股公司 | - | 5.00 | 否 |
|有限公司 | | | | |

② 急需英語翻譯高人幫忙翻譯下

1. Beijing Jin Fengke creates the wind electricity equipment limited
company, is established in March, 2006, the management scope: Research
and development, proction, sale large-scale wind power generation
unit and spare parts; Technical development, technical transfer,
technical consultation, technical service, cargo import and export,
technical import and export, agent import and export; Equipment setup
and so on. Jin Fengke creates for the Xinjiang gold wind science and
technology limited liability company's entire capital subsidiary
company. The company wind electrical machinery proction adopts the
international general coordination between specialized departments
way, the company completes the proct technical design, the optimal
spare part supplies the factory in the global scope, according to the
international general wind electricity technical standard proposed to
various parts specification, implements the entire process the quality
monitoring, simultaneously is responsible for the proct the general
equipment department, the examination and the experiment. The company
leads the proct to undertake the country for the golden wind science
and technology "95", "15", "863" the scientific research topic
completes the scientific research achievement. Proct model including
S43/600kW, S48/750kW, S50/750kW, S50/800kW, 62/1200kW, 70/1500kW,
77/1500kW wind power generation unit.

2. The Hebei gold wind electrically controlled equipment limited
company is the stock-company type enterprise which by the Chende
electrically controlled plant, the Chende 昊 source instry limited
company, the Xinjiang gold wind science and technology limited
liability company invests together sets up. The company is located in
the Hebei Province Longhua County county seat, is apart from famous
tourist attraction Chende only to have 60 kilometers, the
transportation conveniently, the geographical position is superior.
Enterprise area 73.5 Chinese acres, floor space more than 12,000
square meters; The company has the fixed asset more than 20 million
Yuan, the year proctivity may amount to more than 70 million Yuan.
At present the company altogether has the staff 176 people, high-level
technical personnel 12 people, the intermediate technical personnel 19
people, have the integrity the design, the proction, the examination
method, may provide the switching equipment for the user the design,
the manufacture, the installment and the wind-driven generator and its
the necessary control device assembly proction. Fledgling firm will
continue by the traditional power distribution proct to expand the
market share, take wind-driven generator and its control proct as
new profit growth spot. In order to adapt the enterprise to proce
the request, the our company invested more than 3 million Yuan newly
built 1,700 square meter air blowers to assemble the workshop, enabled
600KW, 750KW, the 1MW wind-driven generator year proctivity to
achieve 150. So far the company has proced 600KW wind-driven
generator more than 20, the wind electricity control device 2 sets,
wind battery case type transformer substation 31, moreover the
equipment component has separately thrown transports to the Shandong
Long Island, the abundant rather big beach and the yard Korean pine
wind electric field, the movement situation is good.
3. Zhejiang Jiang hua meter Jin Fengfeng the electricity limited
company subordinates to the Chinese meter electric appliance group,
China? The Chinese meter group established in 1986, its predecessor
for Yueqing County China meter switchgear plant. The enterprise mainly
proces 35KV and below forms a complete set the switching gear, the
power distribution automation switch and the end instrument, the wind
power generation, the high-pressured part, the instrument measuring
appliance, the low pressure electric appliance and so on 9 big kinds
of 48 series, more than 100 varieties, 500 many kinds of
specifications procts, is the domestic high-pressured electric
appliance domain variety are most, one of span biggest manufacture
enterprises. Hua Yi and the world more than 30 countries and the local
development economics and trade intercourse, is equipped with more
than 300 sales subsidiary companies and the special sales agency in
each place, in Hong Kong, Ghana sets up the office. The enterprise in
2003 realizes the gross value of instrial output 1.02 billion Yuan,
the comprehensive strength advances into profession first ten. The
Chinese meter group at present under governs Control stock the subsidiary
company 11, the joint capital enterprise 6, each kind of cooperation
enterprise nearly hundred, the shape Chengji proces, for, sells is a
body, to the high pressure loses the switching equipment primarily,
the wind can, the low pressure, the lamps and lanterns, the real
estate multiplication management "one instry primarily, many Yuan
development" instrial pattern.

③ 新疆金風科技股份有限公司承德分公司怎麼樣


④ 家鄉有風力電力有輻射嗎




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