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⑴ 基於plc機械手控制系統設計的文獻有哪些

[1] 廖常初.可編程序控制器應用技術(第四版)[M].重慶:重慶大學出版社,專2005
[2] 許志軍.工業控制組態屬軟體及應用[M].北京:機械工業出版社.2005
[3] 王承義.機械手及其應用[M].北京:機械工業出版社,1981
[5] Saeed B.Niku,Introction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Application[M].USA: Pearson Ecation, 2001

⑵ 基於plc的機械手控制系統設計難度怎麼樣


⑶ 基於plc機械手自動操作控制系統設計

摘 要




In the instrial proction and other fields, people often endangered by such factors as high temperature, corrode, poisonous gas and so forth at work, which have increased labor intensity and even jeopardized the life sometimes. The corresponding problems are solved since the robot arm comes out. The robot arms can catch, put and carry objects, and its movements are flexible and diversified. It applies to medium and small-scale automated proction in which proction varieties can be switched. And it is widely used on soft automatic line. The robot arms are generally made by withstand high temperatures, resist corrosion of materials to adapt to the harsh environment. So they reced the labor intensity of the workers significantly and raised work efficiency. The robot arm is an important component of instrial robots, and it can be called instrial robots on many occasions. Instrial robot is set machinery, electronics, control, computers, sensors, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in the integration of multidisciplinary important modern manufacturing equipment. Widely using instrial robots, not only can improve proct quality and proction, but also is of great significance for physical security protection, improvement of the environment for labor, recing labor intensity, improvement of labor proctivity, raw material consumption savings and lowering proction costs.

There are such mechanical components as ball footbridge, slides, an air control mechanical hand and so on in the design. A programmable controller, a programming device, stepping motors, stepping motors drives, direct current motors, sensor, switch power supply, an electromagnetism valve and control desk are used in electrical connection. The programmable controller output two lines pulses to stepping motors drives to drive the two stepping motors drives on beam and vertical axis; direct current motors drive the rotation of the base and the hand; sensors send signals of location to the mainframe, and the mainframe sends directive to control the extension and contraction, up and down, moves location; the mainframe send signals to control the opening and closing of the hand to carry objects. Related parameters can be changed according to request of the changes of the objects and movement flow at any time change the relevant parameters in the design, so it has great flexibility and operability.Key words: Programmable controller; Robot arm; Stepping motor; Stepping motors drive; Pulse; Sensor;Direct current motor



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